March 27, 2012

Officially an Open Water Scuba Diver

I got an exciting email today. I'm officially a PADI Open Water Scuba Diver!! I started the course last year in Dominican with my sister and finally finished all the requirements on my spring break trip in February. 

{Pool Training with Maggie in February 2011}

As I start to plan my trip to Europe this summer, I'm going to look for amazing places to go scuba diving! I absolutely love this activity and it's such a cool way to explore a different part of the world. Any suggestions about dive sites are welcome.

March 12, 2012


{Dealuxe Pair It How You'd Wear It Entry}

I've recently discovered Polyvore! It's a great place to discover new fashion trends, create your own looks, and collaborate with independent stylists. I entered a contest on the Facebook page, the first and third picture, and then headed to the site and created my own set. My username is katie-sellers for those who've signed up. I know I will spend countless hours on this site...

{My first set}

{Dealuxe Pair It How You'd Wear It Entry}